Privacy Policy (hereinafter "this site") handles personal information based on the privacy policy established by Fujibussan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the company").
Definition of Personal Information:
Personal information refers to information about a living individual that can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions, and can easily be matched with other information to identify the individual.
Collection of Personal Information:
We may collect personal information from customers during purchases or when they contact us for specified purposes. We collect personal information through legal and fair means to achieve necessary purposes.
Personal Information Collected:
When customers contact us for specific purposes, such as during a purchase, we may collect personal information. We collect this information using legal and fair methods to achieve necessary purposes.

Personal Information Collected on This Site:
  • Name.
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.
  • Inquiry history regarding this website and its contents.
  • Information that can identify an individual by combining the above.
Purpose of Using Personal Information:
The purposes of using personal information entrusted to this website by customers are as follows
  • To respond to inquiries via the contact form.
  • To send notifications from this site.
  • When required by law or when cooperating with a national institution or local public body or an entity entrusted by them to execute affairs prescribed by law.
  • When necessary for the protection of life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
  • When exchanging personal data within related companies operating this website.
Management of Personal Information:
The service provider will manage personal information safely and rationally, taking technical measures. This site will comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, making efforts to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information.
Correction and Deletion of Personal Information:
For corrections or deletions of personal information, please contact us via the inquiry form. Users registered on this site can correct their personal information through the "My Account" menu.
Use of Cookies:
This website uses cookies to provide optimal services to customers. Cookies are not intended to collect specific information about individuals and can avoid infringing on personal information. Customers can disable cookies in their browser settings if they do not need them. A cookie is a small file sent from the server to the customer's machine and stored on the hard disk.
Please contact us via the inquiry form.
Changes to Privacy Policy:
If there are changes to the information collected from customers, changes to terms of use, or changes to the privacy policy, we will announce them by changing this page.